
ShutUp & Sleep

Are you struggling to attain a peaceful night’s rest? Tossing and turning, unable to shake off the
day’s stress? Wondering how to achieve a refreshing sleep without feeling groggy the next morning?
ShutUp & Sleep presents the answer to your sleep woes.


  • Dissolve one IFizz tablet in a glass of water.
  •  After it fizzes, give it a quick stir.
  •  Enjoy the delightful taste through the effervescence.

We recommend using IFizz:

  • As an Anaemia remedy.
  •  A Vitamin C, B9 and B12 supplement.
  •  For boosting RBC production in the body

Health Benefits of Ifizz


Our body uses iron to make hemoglobin, a protein in the blood that carries oxygen from the lungs to rest the body. Our body also needs iron to make some hormones and connective tissues. Moreover, iron helps to treat anaemia caused by iron deficiency.
Yes, as IFizz is a dietary supplement, it is considered safe when consumed along with other medicines. However, individuals with pre-existing medical conditions or concerns should consult with a healthcare professional before regular use.
IFizz provides you with multiple water-soluble vitamins including Vit.B9, Vit.B12, and Vit. C. Together these 3 vitamins help in several bodily functions such as Iron absorption, development and nourishment of circulatory, immune, and nervous systems, and prevention of anaemia.
When our body is low on Iron, it goes through Oxidative stress. The Zinc present in IFizz ensures your body is resilient against such a condition.
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